The original plan was for each settler to farm his parcel of land, but you can't farm a forest - so the first priority was clearing trees.
The trees presented a burden and a blessing:Thus many of the McLarens became lumberjacks, at least for half the year. Some, whose land proved unsuitable for cultivation, would pursue timber-related professions. This was rugged work, outside in the Canadian winter. One of the best descriptions of conditions in the lumber camps, including mention of McLarens in the trade, is to be found in this article: Old District Lumber Days.
You will also find frequent mention of the lumberjack McLarens on the Lanark County Genealogy Society website.
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This site, A McLaren Migration, is maintained by David J. McLaren.
Updated November 20, 2023
Copyright © 2021 David J. McLaren, all rights reserved.
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