
Our McLaren Ancestors

Voyage from Scotland

Lanark, Ontario, Canada

Vienna, South Dakota


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A McLaren Migration

Voyage from Scotland - graphic

In July 1820 Peter McLaren, with his wife Janet (Headrick) and their seven children, boarded a sailing ship in Greenock, Scotland and departed for Canada. The journey to Lanark, Ontario took the better part of two months by sail and barge and wagon - to arrive in a pine forest in the middle of September. Why would they do that? Let's look at the Reasons for the Voyage.

The ship carrying Peter and his family was the Brock. It had 176 passengers, all too poor to pay their own passage, and departed Greenock on 13 July 1820 to arrive at the city of Quebec after 38 days at sea. That was half the trip. Here are some details of the challenges Sailing to Quebec.

The city of Quebec is about 325 statute miles, using modern highways, from Lanark. In the 1820's this transit required at least three weeks. Here are some descriptions of the arduous journey from Quebec to Lanark.

This site, A McLaren Migration, is maintained by David J. McLaren.
Updated March 28, 2021
Copyright © 2021 David J. McLaren, all rights reserved.
Commercial use of the material on this site is prohibited.